What is Passive House?

What is Passive House? - The Passive House Standard

The core focus of the Passive House Standard is comfort.

Focusing on occupant health and wellbeing in building design leads to dramatic reductions in energy consumption (and CO2 emissions) – essentially a bonus benefit.

A fabric-first approach during design prioritizes comfort, reducing space heating and cooling needs significantly.

With three decades of continuous improvement through research on completed projects, the Passive House standard offers the strongest evidence base for achieving high-performance architecture.

Further Reading

Passive House institute of New Zealand

The Passivhaus institute international

Passive House: Homes Where People Thrive 
An accessible guide for people planning to build a new home – learn all about the health, comfort and quality benefits of a Passive House. This concise guide also has the details of what sets Passive House apart, the stages of a Passive House project and much more.

Passive House: Homes Where People Thrive (Low Res)
Low-res version of the above guide in case you want to email it.